Tips and tricks for elections

A homeowners association is a corporation formed by a real estate developer for the purpose of marketing, managing, and selling of homes and lots in a residential subdivision.. In almost all states in the USA, they are  are non-profit corporations, with their members being shareholders. Like most associations, they need elections… this is where ElectionBuddy comes in ; ). Whether that be electing new officers, or passing motions that are outlined in the by-laws, ElectionBuddy could be the perfect solution for Homeowner Associations.

Homeowners Associations are becoming increasingly more popular in the USA. In fact, common-interest developments (CIDs) are the fastest growing form in of housing in the USA (source), so the need of governing bodies are needed now more than ever.

HOA Elections

As per by-laws, elections are usually held annually, where budget, positions, projects and changes to rules are call considered for review. Many states require a specific time of notifying homeowners beforehand, so they have time to familiarize them selves with all of the candidates and issues.

Similarly to Condominium Board elections, votes may be weighted in terms of the size of property or the percentage of the whole that an individual owns. Like many corporations, members may assign their right to vote, or “proxy,” to another member who will be present at the election. A quorum,often 51 percent or two-thirds of the total membership is necessary to conduct an election.

How Online Elections Can Help HOAs

  1. When it comes to elections, members are going to want a quick and painless way of voting. A HOA member can setup an ElectionBuddy election within a matter of minutes, and distribute a unique voting link to each eligible voter. Very little setup time is required on the organizer’s behalf and voters can vote right from their Email inbox!
  2. Confidentiality is key to any successful election, by using a piece of online election software, it reduces the chance of voter fraud. with ElectionBuddy, we use a 256-bit encryption, which is the same security your bank will use to keep your data safe in transit. Ballots are also sent by email, ensuring the voter is the only person with access to their vote.
  3. Candidate biographies, are a major benefit of using online elections. Voters get a chance to do first-time, or last minute research on the candidate. With each description being the same length in characters, the vote is getting a fair and accurate description of each candidate.
  4. It all comes back to having a direct line of communication. Using online elections, is not only a demonstration of modernity, but it’s a sign that the an association cares about making the voting process easy for the tenants.

What’s the election process for your Homeowners Association? Feel free to share your experience with us on